Powered By Olvy

25 August 2023

These updates enhance user experience by introducing new features, fixing bugs, and implementing user-driven improvements. Enhanced features include shortcuts for export, improved history tracking, visually appealing animations for errors, and a reduced autosave interval to minimize data loss. The overall result is a more stable, user-friendly application with convenient functions like adjusting canvas size for Lottie animations and easy click-and-drag repositioning of group shapes.

🎉 What's new

  • Added shortcuts for Export and Bug reports for quicker access.

  • Implemented Plugins API to expose the start and stop of batch history, allowing better control over history tracking.

  • Updated animations for error states, providing more intuitive visual feedback.

  • Reduced autosave interval to 30 seconds, ensuring changes are saved more frequently.

  • Implemented a curated collection instead of featured animations, offering a more targeted selection.

  • Adjusted the canvas size when importing a Lottie animation based on its width and height, improving the viewing experience.

  • Enabled click and drag functionality on group shapes, making it easier to reposition them.

  • Simplified double-click logic and fixed bug related to dragging GroupShapes.

🔧 Improvements

  • Fixed runaway errors in React when playing animated colors, preventing any issues with rendering.

  • Corrected display of nested scene size, ensuring it accurately reflects the content within.

  • Resolved a bug where clicking or dragging would move shapes to an incorrect position (99999).

  • Fixed runaway issues related to playback and rendering of scenes.

  • Addressed time display issues in the property panel, providing accurate timing information.

  • Updated Creator Menu "Save as" behavior to align with user expectations.

  • Fixed empty thumbnails that were not displaying any content correctly.

  • Reordered layers UI and interactions for better organization and usability.

  • Fixed an SVG import draw order issue after deleting imported layer and a pre-comp import draw order issue.

🪲 Bug fixes

  • Updated Help dropdown with the latest changes to provide you with up-to-date information and resources.

  • Removed the close button on the main scene tab for a cleaner interface design.

  • Updated toolkit-svg plugin version to allow parsing options like maxFrame and minFrame, improving compatibility with imported SVGs.

  • Added color for a saved icon for a better visual indication of successful saves.